AURA AURA Studio Sessions

 AURA AURA Mini Sessions are portrait sessions on rare deadstock professional instant film, using an original vintage legacy aura camera developed in the late 1970s that includes a brief overview with Eileen of your aura colors, placement, and what they generally can represent. Mini Sessions which include a general interpretation of your aura are available during Open Studio, only a handful of dates seasonally, similar to a pop-up or when you find Eileen on tour around the country.


AURA AURA Private Sessions are 1:1 sessions where you sit down with Eileen and deep dive into the colors of your aura portrait on rare deadstock professional instant film, shot with an original vintage legacy aura camera developed in the late 1970s. During this portrait session and dedicated 1:1 interpretation time, space is created for conversation around what the colors mean for you in your life, and to discuss questions you may have related to your auric state. Private Sessions are available on select days monthly and by request if you are looking for a specific date.